Saturday, July 14, 2012

Let's Face It, The Worldwide Financial Systems Are Broken,Do You Really Think Romney Could Fix Them?

Holy schmoly, the World's financial systems , dominated by the "big banks" are totally out of control. The credit crisis. Lehman Brothers falling. The "sub-prime " mortgage crisis . Bailout after bailout. European economies falling like dominoes. The Countrywide Crisis". Insider trading like it's going out of style. Madoff . The "Amish Ponzi-Scheme". MF Global. The "derivatives market ". The "Delta Desk Scandal " in London. Greece, Italy, Spain. Municipal bankruptcies in California. JP Morgan losing it's shirt . HSBC laundering money and admitting they lacked adequate internal contols. Bain Capital. Barclays manipulating interest rates, and Governmental agencies conceding they knew of this practice for many years. More Ponzi schemes. Raj R. and Gupta both convicted. ....When will it end ?
That's a great question I can assure you . But , right now anyone who says they can answer that question is full of sh_t! Where do you start ? Are you even thinking(while sober) that Mitt Romney, part of this "Wall Street Culture " ,would even lift one pinkie to police , scrap and start over a system that made him millions at others expense . Did someone say "Blue Star " was in play ?(Michael Douglas/Charlie Sheen).
I can picture Romney as President laying out his economic policies.
Romney:" So how can the White House and the USA make some money"?
Economic Adviser: Sell more Treasury bonds. Sell more military weapons to our allies. Become more aggressive in collecting taxes. What do you suggest Mr. President?
Romney: I was thinking more along the lines of buying up some of our poorer states, collecting a commission on the purchase, and then scrapping them and selling off all their assets to Brazil and the Arab World. Oh, and China would be a great buyer too.
Economic Adviser: Then what do we do with these States ?
Romney: That's a no-brainer! We bankrupt them, loot their State Treasuries and kick em out of the Union. It'll serve em right. Who's going to miss Alabama, West Virginia , Idaho , Montana North Dakota and South Dakota anyway.
Economic Adviser: Any other ideas Sir?
Romney: Yes, while we're at it, let's sell off Guam, The US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico . They're all a drain on our bottom line . Hey beachfront property would go at a premium!
Economic Adviser: Don't let me stop you now. You're on a roll.
Romney: Sure. Two more things I would like to do .First I think the White House should receive a 2% commission on these sell-offs of these States and US Territories. Afterall ,it was my idea.(Thinking to himself ,"What's another Swiss Account anyway"?) Secondly, I think we should penalize the 20 poorest states by taking away at least one of their US Senators and half of their Congressman. That will give them an incentive to make money for us.
Economic Adviser:Very novel. Does that conclude our meeting Mr. President?
Romney: Yes, but I did have one last idea. Let's move the White House and Capitol Hill to Salt Lake City . The cost of living in Washington has spiraled out of control! Meeting adjourned.

Economic adviser Steve "Milton Smith " Goldman reporting.

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