Monday, July 9, 2012

AJ Burnett; Yankee Fans Eat Your Collective Hearts Out!

AJ Burnett. Amazing talent, strong , had all the pitches. Yankee killer when he was in Toronto . Signs a big contract with Yanks. Apparently loved being in New York . But inexplicably (Rep is he's a head case) he is a huge, huge bust in New York . Aside from his "shaving cream pies" he provided after "walkoffs " he contributed very little else . And when it was time to cut the umbilical cord, there were very few takers .
So AJ took his 6 ft 4 , 230 lbs to the perennial lowly Pirates. Quite a humbling experience being banished to Pittsburg, albeit with $80 million in his pocket . So lo and behold, what does a fresh start do for him and his new club? Did someone say change of scenery? I did!
AJ is only 10-2 with a 3.68 ERA, and has basically become the ace of the staff. Pirates are winning , AJ is performing ! So what happened in New York? Did he have too many tattoos ? Was NY too overwhelming? Expectations too high ? We'll probably never know.
I can tell you one thing. I am rooting for Burnett. Hope he wins 20 and gets NL Cy Young . That would be a great story!

Reporting Steve "Slugger " Goldman.

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