Friday, May 18, 2012

Edwards Case in The Hands Of The Jury....We Know He's a Sleezebag...But Did He Violate Federal Law?

So the testimony wrapped up. Closing arguments were given and the Judge instructed the jury on the applicable Law . Yes, that's right. The Judge instructed the jury on the law . In this case, almost one of first impression, the verdict will certainly hinge on the jurors determining what the billionaire heiresses intent was when she gave about $725,000 to Edwards.
If the jury finds beyond a reasonable doubt that one of her purposes in giving the money was to influence an election, then that would be sufficent to convict . Of significance, is that Ms. Mellon declared the payment to be a gift, and actually paid a gift tax on it. Was she helping Edwards cause she was enamored with him or was she trying to "influence" an election,whether it be the primary or the General Election down the road.
Going to be very difficult for the jury to creep into the mind of the donor , decide her intent and render a sustainable verdict. In my opinion, there is not enough evidence in front of the jury regarding Ms. Mellon's intent. Without these proofs, it would appear to be next to impossible to meet that "beyond a reasonable doubt" burden.
My prediction, Edwards is acquitted or if convicted by the Jury, the verdict is tossed on post-trial motion.

Your thoughts.

Legal crackerjack S.F. Goldman reporting.

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