Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Edwards Trial..Jury Starts Day 3 of Deliberations....I Can't Help Thinking That Bunny Mellon's Memo on Check ,"Gift" Will Be Too Much for Gov't....

The Edwards Trial reached day 3 of deliberations today. Not long, not short for a somewhat complicated criminal trial. Complicated , because the law is unsettled and the Jury Instructions seem difficult to comprehend for "Joe Schmo " average juror.
During early deliberations the jury asked for copies of check(s) and accompanying memoranda from Bunny Mellon . As you may note, "the intent of the donor" (not Edwards) is at issue here for the jury. Well, there is no ambiguity in Mellon's memo on the check where she wrote "gift". She even paid a gift tax!
So at the end of the day, what more compelling evidence can there be than a description of the payment by the donor on her own check ? There is no other probative evidence on her intent .
This one word("gift") may just be enough to carry the day for "Mr. Sleezebag's " defense team.

Let's wait and see. Your thoughts?

Legal analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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