Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Clemens Trial; As The Beat Goes On.........

Can you believe it? Week five already in the Clemens retrial? Only two jurors dismissed for sleeping so far .....How much longer will the case last? (Snore!)
This is a tense, unhappy Courtroom . Clemens is miserable, Judge Walton hates the case! The Prosecution Team is on edge . The jurors can't stay awake. Only the national news media and the bloggers are enjoying things . The cross-examination of Brian McNamee should be one of the highlights of the trial . Sparks will be flying . As well as syringes!
Other than that , many are wondering why we are here in the first place . And the saddest thing of all, the seven time Cy Young award winner's life , reputation and legacy continue to spiral downward.
Roger, unfortunately you don't have have a lot of sympathizers. But Prosecution, then again, neither do you .
Steve "HGH" Goldman reporting.

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