Thursday, May 17, 2012

Don't Look Now, Dow Jones Down 800 Points In The Last Couple of Weeks!

The one thing about investing in the market is that you can never get too complacement . Things may be looking good, positive news and indicators galore....Then boom! The bottom falls out and panic overwhelms you.
That is exactly what has happened here . The Dow peaked at just over 13,300 and as of 15 minutes ago it had plummeted to 12,500. Ouch! 800 points in such a short time is not insignificant. How much is attributable to European debt issues? The economy? Jobs, manufacturing ? Tough to tell.
Has the fallout from the JP Morgan trading debacle contributed adversely? I believe so. Investor's psyches'(as we know) are very sensitive and any minute sign, trend or indicator can set things off .
One thing is for certain. There is never any "certainty " in the market . So give yourself a break. Hit Atlantic City, Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun .....Lay back, de-stress.
This has been Wall Street analyst Steve " DJI" Goldman reporting.

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