Monday, May 7, 2012

Dominique Strauss-Kahn; New York Trial Court Judge Rules "DSK " Does Not Have "Absolute Immunity " and Must Therefore Defend Case Brought By Maid!

DSK's attorneys motion to dismiss the civil lawsuit brought by the "hotel maid "(aka, "the victim") based on the contention that DSK was immune from civil actions as the Chief of the IMF was denied by Bronx Supreme Court Justice Douglas McKeon . DSK's attorneys argued for absolute immunity under a number of treaties and international conventions, but at the end of the day the Court reasoned that at the time of the "alleged incident " he was not acting in his official capacity and the encounter was unrelated to his official duties with the IMF. Tell him that!
In any event , the case proceeds with the discovery stage. Lawyers get richer , DSK gets dragged thru more mud and the victim longs for a potential payday!

Ah, justice at work.

Legal analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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