Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Roger Mentioned That He Had Used HGH in 1999-2000 To Help His Recovery ". Ouch!

Well Andy Pettitte finally took the stand yesterday in the criminal trial of Roger Clemens . Clemens and Pettitte were formerly best friends, workout partners and teammates . Pettitte idolized Clemens growing up. So on Tuesday, Pettitte testified for about two hours after being called by the US Attorney. He will be cross-examined by Clemens' legal team today . Like to be a fly in the courtroom today.
At the end of the day if the jurors believe Pettitte and his testimony(remember Pettitte admittedly used steroids), "Roger mentioned to me that he used HGH in 1999-2000 to help his recovery "..that could alone be enough to convict Clemens on several of the charges. Especially in light of the fact that Brian McNamee , Clemens' former trainer and the Prosecution's "star witness " carries tremendous amounts of baggage and his testimony could be discounted completely by jurors.
Should be a volatile session today .
Moral of the story: Always be careful what you tell your best friend.

Steve "HGH" Goldman reporting.

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