Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Celebrity Trials ; Who Will Be Convicted, Who Will Walk?

With temperatures reaching 90 outside, the indoor temperatures in at least three Courtrooms has also risen . In North Carolina former Senator John Edwards is sweating out day 7 of jury deliberations . Tough to stay focused on anything during deliberations which can be paralyzing. Being a trial lawyer , Edwards has been there, done that!
In Washington, Roger Clemens is fighting for survival in the hostile,tense Courtroom of Judge Reggie Walton. The 7 time Cy Young Award Winner is in his second month of trial which has basically turned his life upside-down. At some point in the not too distant future , Roger will have to make the decision as to whether he will take the stand or not . Like to be a fly on the wall for the discussion with Rusty Hardin on that issue.
And now , Rajat Gupta , formerly a well-respected Wall Street Director is on trial for supplying confidential information to Raj Rajatnaram who traded on and benefitted from the information.
Three bright, rich individuals in their primes! All victims of greed , lust and ego. The usual !
So here are my predictions;

Edwards-hung jury on some charges, acquitted on others.

Clemens- Acquitted. Can't believe McNamee.

Gupta - convicted on all major charges. Your thoughts?

Legal analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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