Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Prosecutors Fresh Off Rajatnaram Conviction, Obtain Indictment of Gupta.

Riding the momentum of the convictions of Raj R, the Gofers , et al , the Government is now pursuing Rajat Gupta on insider trading charges . Gupta, a former Goldman, Sachs board member is charged with being "Raj R 's tipper ". He is the 56th person charged in the " insider trading investigation" .
I have not seen any proposed proofs that show Gupta benefitted (directly) financially by allegedly disclosing " non-public information " to Rajatnaram...."Directly" being the key word here . Was he merely securing or returning a favor ? It's much too early to prognosticate, but one thing that always makes me scratch my head and ask is why would Gupta expose himself in any shape, form or manner to criminal liability being a millionaire many, many times over ?

Expect a vigorous defense.

Your thoughts?

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