Wednesday, November 16, 2011

NBA Players and Owners; You Nitwits, You're killing the "Golden Goose '....Yes, the Fans!

When the labor dispute started , I was firmly in the camp of the players . But as the "soap opera " continues (Days of Our Dunks) , it is clear neither side cares about us the fans. Greed, greed and more greed! Losing sight of the big picture.
Forgetting how great things are and can be . Is it worth alienating the fan base and jeopardizing 60 years of building and development. Let's not forget what the business side of the NBA was "pre-Larry and Magic . Totally different fu_in world. All the good will is vanishing and will continue to dissipate . For what?
So a word of caution to the players and owners.....Before you scrap this season, think long and hard about the downside(not the upside) and how the greatest game on earth may never be the same again !
You're doing it to yourselves.
P.S. Have fun in Federal Court.

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