Monday, November 14, 2011

Penn State Student Body; Nice Job Saturday!

With all the craziness, uncertainty, emotion, shock and horror of this past week, the Penn State student body was awesome this weekend . The peaceful vigils, calm, reflection and support for their excellent University took "front and center " , while the violence , anger and protest took a back seat.
While the healing process will start now for the school, the administration must " officially clean house in the football program " and start a new, fresh era without any connections to the old. That way there will never, ever be any questions about so and so's connection to this tragedy. The Paterno Era sadly is over.
As victims come forward, they too will have to be counseled , assisted and watched . Only time will tell there . Not going to be easy.
By the way , Penn State lost Saturday to Nebraska. Big fu_in deal! You know what at the end of the day, it's only a game . You heard what I said, at the end of the day it's only a game !
Maybe that is one of the lessons that will come out of this painful ordeal.

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