Monday, November 28, 2011

Syracuse Coach Accused of Sexual Molestation, Is This a Real Case or Copycat ? Lot of Tough Issues Raised?

Wow, now long-time Syracuse men's basketball assistant,Bernard Fine is accused of sexually molesting at least 3 boys formerly associated with the men's basketball team. Lot of information coming out awful quickly . Fine was fired yesterday by the University , I believe in the wake of the contents of the tape given to ESPN . ESPN apparently had a voice expert confirm that the female voice was in fact Bernard Fine's wife . As I understand it, plenty of damaging things on the tape. Coach Boeheim stood by the firing and apologized for his earlier(knee jerk) support for his long time assistant.
So is this a real case? Is it a copycat case of the Penn State scandal ? Are the allegations supportable or is it a "get rich quick " scheme ? Do you believe the accuser , who is being accused himself of sexual assault ? What is the extent of the University's knowledge of the alleged deviant behavior ?
How extensive is this problem nationwide ? Do deviant coaches and athletic personnel choose their jobs for this opportunity or does the behavior develop after being around young men each and every day? Or a combination thereof ? Lot of questions.
One thing is for sure...I do not think we have heard the last of these allegations .Legitimate or contrived, many more will surface. As they say, this may very well be the tip of the iceberg !
These stories could actually dwarf the recruiting scandals we have seen and heard about for the last 40 years....Stay tuned.
Reporting, sports analyst ,Steven Goldman.

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