Friday, November 4, 2011

Corzine, Once Upon a Time a Wall Street Titan, U.S. Senator, Governor and Now Scrambling for His "Professional Life ".

Jon S. Corzine . Worth an estimated half a billion dollars. Former U.S. Senator. Former N.J. Governor. But will he be remembered for his extraordinary personal, financial and political accomplishments? Probably not. Corzine has his ass in a sling with the whole MF Global mess.
Facing Bankruptcy(MF Global), multiple Federal investigations, civil liability , irreparable damage to reputation and yes maybe even criminal issues(He has hired criminal counsel). As Stanley Laurel once said "it's a fine mess you got me into Olly"! And that says it all .
Jon you could have been traveling, writing, enjoying quality time with your wife, teaching, exercising or doing philanthropic work. God only knows you don't need the cash. But nooooooooooo, you couldn't resist "the great Charley Brown comeback ".
This reminds me of Muhammed Ali, Joe Frazier, Thomas Hearns, Sugar Ray Leonard, "Macho Camacho " and so many others.
Those who can't hang up their trunks until it's too late usually end of getting hurt.
It's going to painful, messy, costly and at the end of the day many will suffer .
For now, you know what to do . Get the biggest, baddest, most influential army of lawyers on board as quickly as you can....Oh and make sure your "Directors and Officers" liability insurance policies were current.

Legal analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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