Friday, November 25, 2011

Tiger Woods...It's Comeback Time!

America is the "land of comebacks"! Let enough time pass, keep your nose clean and stick to something you do well...And aha ! You have a comeback in the making . Marv Albert did it, Former President Bill Clinton did it, Michael Milliken did it and to a lesser extent Elliot Spitzer did it. Well, now it's Tiger's turn.
Two years have passed since that bizarre Thanksgiving weekend in 2009 . Almost every major sponsor dropped him. Costly divorce . Public humiliation. Fired his long-time caddie. Sexual counseling. Family broken up and for the first time in many, many years he fell outside the top 50 golfers in the world.(I did neglect to mention he's still worth over $100 million, has the second most major titles in golf history and has a "black book " that most guys would kill for).
So how does the comeback play out? Well his game is slowly , but surely improving . He recently helped the U.S. win the Presidential Cup . In today's New York Times it was reported that he signed sponsorship deals with Rolex and a sports nutrition company(He took a stock position).
Well, what more? He has to continue to practice, play, work out and live clean. Most importantly, he must realize and accept that this will probably be his last legitimate run at winning more major titles. Come January he wins a tournament . Another in February and a third in March.
The storybook comeback then climaxes with a victory at the Masters in April. The sponsors line up to bring him on board . He's on the cover of every major newspaper and magazine in America
......................and appears on Letterman . Ah, on top(I heard he likes it that way) again. But remember, he has to do one little thing to make it all work.....Win, win, win!

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