Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Elgin Baylor, Truly One of the Greatest of ALL-Time, Still Pursuing Discrimination Case Against Donald Sterling and The Los Angeles Clippers.

Elgin Baylor probably the first "high-flyer", superstar, Hall of Famer, scored 71 points in a regular season game and 61 points in a playoff game, is involved in a legal fight I don't think he can win. His discrimination case against the Clippers and Donald Sterling (one of the worst owners known to mankind) resulted in a defense verdict(jury) in March of this year.
He apparently won't let the case die and has hired top -shelf counsel to seek a new trial. Usually a long-shot at best. So why is Baylor pursuing the case? Because Sterling is a racist? Because he was treated unfairly ? Because he gave his heart and soul to the franchise that just discarded him? Pride ? He needs the money(I doubt it) ? Whatever the reason ,I hope he takes his " best shot " , win or lose and moves on .
He was a great player and a good executive...Still relatively young at 77...Had an amazing career[40 years].
Elgin my friend some advice. Live your life, move on and help put things in place that will protect the next " Elgin Baylor "! But, as Kenny Rogers once said ," You got to know when to hold em, and know when to fold em ".
You were the greatest!

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