Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Let's Try "Tag-team Wrestling; Harbaugh and Schwartz and Romney and Perry..!

Being emotional is good. Being "into it " is good. Being energetic and giving your all are also admirable traits. But losing control , and "getting in other people's space " is not cool and frankly is embarassing !
That's exactly what happened Sunday and again last night . Right after the 49ers beat Detroit , the combination of Harbaugh's gloating (slap on the butt) and Schwartz being an emotional loser...led to Schwartz " going after Harbaugh on national tv...creating a huge scrum of players, coaches and officials. Uglyyyyyyyyy. Not even Belichick and Rex Ryan behave that way.
Then last night Romney and Perry during the debate...dragged each other "under the bus " in not so "Presidential like conduct". Physical contact, personal attacks...Heat of the moment getting the better of both of them last night. Obama's camp probably was eating popcorn and cheering em on!
So this morning over coffee, I figured out a way to settle these situations , once and for all . Next Monday night , at halftime of Monday Night Football, we'll have a live tag-team wrestling match. Highest ratings in the history of sports..I promise! So here's the matchups..Harbaugh and Perry vs. Schwartz and Romney . Should be a doozy. Oh and I hate to kill you with this visual image, but "all participants " will be required to wear "sumo-wrestler gear". Yikes.
See you next Monday...And remember, no wedgies!

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