Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kansas City Bishop Indicted....Prosecutors Should be Praised.

This past Friday a Grand Jury in Kansas City "handed up an indictment" of a Roman Catholic Bishop and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph . The Bishop Robert W. Finn was charged with a misdemeanor for his failure to report abuse within his Diocese. In essence he not only covered up for an active pedophile , but continued to allow the "predator priest" to interact (unrestricted) with children. I can't make up my mind whose actions are more despicable!
The important message of this story is that local prosecutors took the ballsy step of convening a Grand Jury and obtaining an indictment of a high- ranking Church Official whose blatant inaction allowed this pervasive behavior to exist. The indictment is stating loud and clear that neither the behavior nor "looking the other way " will be tolerated.
Maybe, just maybe, next time an acting Bishop will think twice before turning a blind eye to this type of deviant behavior. Your thoughts?

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