Sunday, October 16, 2011

Alabama Deja Vu...Yes Demonstrations Again..This Time Over New Proposed Alabama Immigration Law!

Well it's not 1963 . And no Birmingham is not the "epicenter " of the Civil Rights demonstrations . But yes it is 2011 and Alabama is again the focus of marches and protests. This time over HB56( Alabama Immigration Law) and it's provisions dealing with proof of lawful residency in the U.S. , tracking of immigration information about newly enrolled students, immigration status checks during traffic stops and contracts with illegal immigrants or government business transactions. If only Dr. King were with us now.
The 11th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals(to its credit) this past Friday stayed the sections of the statute which had required proof of lawful residency in the U.S. and that provision tracking immigration information about newly enrolled students. The other provisions remain intact.
The legal challenges will almost certainly reach the United States Supreme Court. But for now , more power to the protesting students at University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Make us proud!

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