Sunday, October 23, 2011

Boston Red Sox ; Are We Talking Fried Chicken and Beer Because It Has No Place in Baseball, Or Because the Sox Collapsed?

Well the latest scandal to rock "Beantown " is none other than "Beer and Chickengate"! Been all over the sports airwaves, of course talk radio in Boston is eating and drinking it up. So here's the facts as I understand. Beckett and Lester on nights when they weren't pitching were actually eating fried chicken and drinking beer while the games were still in progress. Let's dissect this. Nothing wrong with eating fried chicken in the clubhouse or in the bullpen while the game is in progress, although if it was done in the bullpen it seems a bit tacky. Hey, Wade Boggs credits his eating chicken every single day helped get him to the Hall of Fame.
So now lets talk about the beer drinking . It's alcohol, it's professional sports, family entertainment, role models,etc ....and frankly alcohol and athletics are not good partners. Look stories have been told for decades of Mantle and Whitey Ford coming to games drunk , hungover or both. But let's call a spade a spade. Baseball is a passive game activity-wise, endurance-wise and energy-wise compared to football, basketball and hockey. Having said that I would hate to have to try to get out of the way of a "high hard one in a less than sober state . Oh but let me add, there were no allegations of being inebriated or playing while drinking.
So at the end of the day we have two of the best pitchers in baseball, playing for one of the best franchises in baseball , eating fried chicken and drinking beer during games on their days off . Bad manners yes . Unprofessional yes. Arrogant, yes. No way to behave as idolized professional athletes[role models], yes. Violating rules of MLB? Maybe.
But then again, I can guarantee you one thing. If the Red Sox had won the pennant, Lester and Beckett would have had fans lining up to deliver beer and fried chicken to them in the dugout . Maybe ribs too(lol). And remember the old adage..."Winning cures all of the world's ills". Collaspes in September do not. Your thoughts?

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