Thursday, October 20, 2011

NBA Talks; I Have No Sympathy For Either Side...But I Definitely Am Having Withdrawl Symptoms!

Well, finally there appears to be some meaningful NBA discussions taking place. Torture if you ask me. You won't get any sympathy votes here. The thing that really irks me is the way collective bargaining negotiations are handled. They wait till the last fu_in minute, make the fans suffer and then settle when they start experiencing life without a paycheck. The system is broken!
Anyway, I have a confession to make...Despite what I said earlier...With the Yanks on vacation, the Jets and Giants plodding along and a Cardinals-Rangers World Series...I'm bored.
I miss NBA hoops. I yearn for it. I need it. I want my mommy(lol)...
Settle the damn thing already.

Reporting NBA analyst Steve (mad-dog) Goldman.

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