Sunday, October 31, 2010

Judge Harold Baer; are you kidding?

Most of you probably know of Judge Harold Baer who sits in the Southern District of New York. I appeared before him numerous times when he sat across the street in State Supreme Court. Judge Baer is highly intelligent and has written some excellent opinions during his stint on the Federal Bench. And don't get me wrong, I'm a liberal, socially conscious individual married to a female, minority attorney.
But, Judge Baer's recent decision requiring a "private law firm " in a class action case before him, to put one female attorney and one minority attorney on the case is a clear(dangerous ) example of the Judiciary overstepping it's bounds.
What will the Judge do next? Require lawyers of certain ages on cases ? Or of certain heights, weights, eye color, economic background? Or maybe he will require one lawyer from each political party to appear on the case? Give me a break!
Judge Baer , respectfully ventured into a territory the judiciary has no business in. Maybe he will next require "all blue matching suits " for the litigators who appear on this case.
The choice of what attorneys should appear on a case is solely the client's and the law firm....and no one else!

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