Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pay Attention to what funder your client is seeking funding with; may save a huge headache down the road.

As I am acutely aware, plaintiff's attorneys are overworked, overstressed and of course client funding deals are usually done when time finally permits. I must caution you; the practitioner who tells his client to find a funding company on his own, "and then get back to me", is playing with fire.
There are a lot of companies out there whose rates are so onerous you will curse the day you allowed your client to sign a contract with them.
So make life easy on your client and yourself..... you can rest assured by contacting me , you'll get great , low rates, service 2nd to none and honesty and integrity on every transaction.
Moral of the story; Why mess around with the world of the unknown? Stick with me.

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