Saturday, October 9, 2010

Make sure when Communicating by email with a Client, You save the email; You never know when you might need it.

One of the biggest headaches for "plaintiff's attorneys ", is responding to client inquiries and "requests for status". Some firms copy their clients every time a pleading is served, on correspondence, etc. Some "high-tech" firms actually have their client's file and pleadings available on-line for access by each individual client. Whatever works !
In the old days clients were updated by phone or letter. Smart practitioners always kept copies of their correspondence in their file. Nowadays, a substantial amount of communication with clients is done via email. Everybody has a cell phone and just about everybody has email.
So naturally if a client requests status from you via email, you most likely will provide a status to that particular client via email. Good practice dictates saving that email and/or printing it and placing it in your client correspondence folder.
Remember , the biggest client complaints are neglect and failure to be responsive to clients. Well this way, if Mrs. Jones says she never received a status from you on the case; you have your saved email as dispositive proof of the communication.
Always protect yourself at all times!

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