Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wrongful Imprisionment cases; City of New York is Paying some serious money($) to settle.

Not too long ago before individuals were being cleared through DNA testing(The Innocence Project etc.,) false imprisonment /malicious prosecution cases against The City of New York or The State of New York were looked at as more of "long-shots", rather than legally recognized causes of action. I prosecuted several myself; and without "eveidence of blatant police misconduct"(like the old 3oth precict cases) they were "uphill battles".
Now with firms like Neufeld,Scheck and Brustin and Beldock, Levine and Hoffman these cases are getting the attention of defendants and the "Bench", that they warrant and deserve.
How would you like to "wrongly " spend fifteen years in prision in the prime of your life?Just this past week, the City of New York agreed to settle the case of Jose Garcia (who wrongly spent 15 years in prision ) for $7.5 million . The money will not get him those years back; but justice was served. He probably did better by settling the case rather than trying his case. HIS ATTORNEYS? Neufeld, Scheck and Brustin. Congratulations to you , Mr. Garcia and your fine attorneys!

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