Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ten commandments to keep yourself out of trouble with clients.

1. Thou shall take /return all client calls.
2. Thou shall provide statuses in writing.
3. Thou shall periodically respond to client emails.
4. Thou shall communicate offers in writing to client.
5. Thou shall not be condescending to clients.
6. Thou shall make sure clients are properly prepared for all hearings/depositions.
7. Thou shall reject/turn down cases without merit.
8. Thou shall not promise the client the sun, the moon and the stars.
9. Thou shall not handle a case outside their field of expertise.
10. Thou shall have a closing statement prepared at the time the client signs a release so the client can see what he or she is taking home.
Believe me; this will drastically cut down on client complaints.

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