Friday, November 19, 2010

When was the last time you handled a podiatric malpractice case?

One type of malpractice case you see less and less of is a podiatric malpractice case. They are difficult cases, tough to settle and the"ultimate upside " is not there. How much is a hammer toe actually worth?
In 2004 I tried a podiatric malpractice case against the N.J. Nets team podiatrist.(I didn't even know they had one).This guy was stuck up beyond belief, lost the xrays and tried to finesse the jury all the way. I wanted nothing to do with the case but got forced into trying it when the client " called my bluff" and wired $7,500 into my account for trial costs. Yikes!
Oh well, another day at the pay, fight to the death. "Case has no merit"!
Verdict on a" botched hammer toe surgery" $135,000. I should have asked for more. I HAD FUN WITH THE" MISSING XRAYS" during summation . Settled for $ 130,000.

Well you don't see too many like that. Anyway, these are depressing cases to handle. Make sure if you take one, it's a real one...[get a good expert] and remember there is no such thing as nuisance value on these.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

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