Friday, November 5, 2010

Celebrity Justice? Not all the time.

In my litigating career I have sued sports stars, rock stars, hip-hop moguls, actors, columnists, boxers, publishers , sports announcers, billionaires and more. Some were big hits....some were not.
While a celebrity is vulnerable on a "real case" , in my experience on a questionable case the celebrity will "hunker down" and hire the biggest, baddest and most skilled defense attorneys. Did anyone say Cravath, Swaine? Once the "high-powered " defense team is in place, your case better be worth it ....because you will be put to work like never before. Motions, rejections of discovery responses, notices to admit, interrogatories, perfected appeals; Well I trust you're getting the picture. Painful stuff!
So the next time you get a celebrity case, make real sure you've properly evaluated the merits, and "don't count your chickens before they've hatched". Because otherwise, you will kick yourself for ever getting involved in the God awful mess.
Been there; done it! Not fun.

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