Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Is the failure to get a "life care planner" on a heavy case a mistake?

To me,(from my twenty years of trying cases plus my 5 and a half years of funding them) there are cetain "givens" when handling a case with a life altering injury:
1. Get strong narratives with opinions on causation, permanency, on whether the injury will continue to be pain producing and what are future medical needs...including medications etc;
2. Engage a good " life care planner";
3. Retain an economist ;
4. A vocational rehab expert and if the situation is right...
5. Get a usable/admissible day in the life of video.
If the plaintiff is terminal always do a videotape deposition to be utilized at the time of trial.
So is the failure to retain a "life care planner " a matter of litigation strategy or a failure to properly prepare your case? All I can say is if you can spend $2500 to increase the value of your case by $500,00, a million, two million or do it.
Just make sure your treating or examining physicians recommend specific future medical care.
Remember; Protect yourself at all times!

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