Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If you litigate, you must have "on hand" Industrial Code 23 and "The Patrolmen's Handbook".

If you're a litigator, there are certain texts/reference books you always want to have available even with the vast resources of the Internet. Everyone has The Physician's Desk Reference, Siegel on New York Practice, PJI'S , a pocket version of the CPLR and usually an anatomy text. But you haven't really lived until you get your very own Industrial Code 23 and Patrolmen's Handbook.
Industrial Code 23 is the Bible for Labor Law . You'll be amazed what you can cull from there. Great stuff , plus you can read the Code as part of your direct case at trial(See Broder's Trial Tactics and Techniques).
The Patrolmen's Handbook is a tremendous source of priceless materials to assist you in prosecuting police misconduct/brutality cases. Nothing better than marking a page at defendant's deposition and asking the police office if he or she was/is familiar with a particular section you allege was violated.
Oh, and do yourself a favor pickup Broder's Trial Tactics and Techniques. I know it got me out of a number of jams over time on sticky evidentiary issues. Happy hunting!

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