Saturday, November 30, 2013

Knicks,Nets, How Long Will Owners Be Able To Stand It Before Sh_t Hits The Fan?

 It's bad. No it's really  bad. No, actually both teams are virtually unwatchable at this point.  Such high expectations. Such  high payroll !  Fun, encouraging seasons last year .. Nets  supposedly upgrade. Knicks  poised to win 50 again this year.
  But nothing has gone as planned. Yes, Tyson Chandler is injured. But even so, with him Knicks look like a .500 team at best. Woodson  has been woeful in  his rotations and his doling out of minutes.
  Nets. Williams hurt{He's always hurt} Lopez hurt, ok I get it.  Pierce looks old. KG, can no longer carry a team himself. Kidd looks " in over his head".{Soda-gate}. Even with everyone  back, I  just don't feel it. I do like  Plumlee.
 So with the Nets at 4-12, and the Knicks losers of  8 straight, how long will the meddling billionaire owners wait  to   put their " beloved coaches " on the the chopping block?
 My prediction. If the Knicks lose 10 straight, Woodson gone. The Nets.  If   they reach 15 losses before winning another game, Kidd could be unemployed. What is PJ doing these days?
  In the meantime, I'm lucky to have the NBA League pass. Can watch Houston, Golden State and the Lakers.
  Tough to even talk about!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013

John Edwards, Back Doing What He Does Best, Trying Cases !

 Edwards was a sleazy Presidential candidate,  a  lousy husband and a   so-so Senator.  But  there  was  never a doubt, ever ,that he  was a savy,  polished and extremely effective  plaintiffs' personal injury trial attorney. In his home state of North Carolina, insurance companies, large corporations, municipalities, doctors and hospitals feared John Edwards. He made a  fortune  representing the " little man" and bringing back  numerous  multi-million dollar verdicts! He  was  the best in the state, and a  member  nationally of the  truly elite trial lawyers.
  Hey, Edwards is 60. As a trial lawyer he is  in his prime. He'll take a little time to get back in the swing...Then watch out!  I know  one group  who are not happy to see his comeback. Yes, you said it. The   Insurance companies of the great state of North Carolina.
 John, I wish you good luck and many  more  plaintiffs' verdicts!!!!1

Friday, November 22, 2013

Michael Skakel, Kennedy Relative Released on Bail, Granted New Trial After Serving 11 Years, Of 20 Years To Life Sentence!

We'll probably never know who really  is guilty, but  the Skakel family continues to fight.  Arguing  successfully that their original  attorney's representation was ineffective, the Trial Court granted a new trial and released Michael Skakel  on  bail.
  Another strange twist  in the continuing saga of the 1975 tragic murder case.
   Will the Prosecutor retry?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Oscar Pistorius' Legal Troubles Get Worse!

  Oscar Pistorius, the world  famous ,"Blade  Runner " , will now face two new gun charges in addition to the two " murder-related charges"  he faces already. Wow, you talk about a fall from grace! Olympics one moment. The next being charged with a violent murder of his girlfriend. What went wrong..Obviously ,the prosecutors brought the second group of charges to  show his  reckless  propensities and gun use. 
  Probably will result in two separate trials. In the meantime Oscar, enjoy your freedom. May be your last.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dow Hits 16,008 At 12:20 P.M. Today!

Another milestone  for the Dow....Yes, 16,000. Who could have ever imagined. While Wall Street continues to bitch about Obama, they should actually be kissing his butt!  Yes, there appears to be be a crackdown on the surface,....But hey,  the rich continue to  get richer!

S. Goldman the 4th reporting.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Everybody's Doing It: Dutch Bank Rabobank To Pay $1 Billion To Settle Case Over Libor Manipulation !!

 Join the crowd. The more the merrier. Pile on..Last Bank to pay a  billion is a "monkey's uncle". Rabobank  has joined the "billion dollar fine/penalty club". Yes, they've agreed to pay $1 billion as a penalty for their deception. After UBS's $1.5 billion donation, it's the largest payment to date.
   Hey, what's the difference? It's only monopoly money.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jeremy Lin , 34 Points, 12 Assists and 9 3's...Raymond Felton What Have You Done For Us Lately?

 Did you have a chance to watch Lin and the Rockets last night?  Fun stuff!  Lin tying Robert Horry's  Rocket record for most 3's made in their overtime loss . So I   gather Lin will no  longer carry the tag  " can't  shoot"!
  Through hard work , discipline and strength conditioning Lin continues to improve his  game  and shooting range. Let's put it this way...You can no longer leave him open beyond the 3 point line.. Last two games, 31 points and 34 last night. He's here to stay.
   Lin vs. Felton...Advantage Lin!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Johnson & Johnson To Pay $4 Billion to Settle Hip Implant Cases !

Easy come, easy go....J&J  will pay approximately $350,000  per  "defective hip implant" in one of the biggest  settlements for defective medical devices ever. As usual, the defendants fought tooth and nail , but eventually caved in , claiming they made a business decision. Yes you did!  But don't ever feel sorry for big pharmaceutical  companies. They have money to burn.
  One last step for the plaintiffs..Get their settlement documents together and collect the dough!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Djokovic Dominates Nadal in Year End ATP Final!

Nadal was #1 this year, won his majors, beat the top ten players and not to mention won $11 million in prize money. But yesterday in London he ran into a buzzsaw  named Novak  Djokovic , who topped-off  his 22 match win streak with  a convincing straight set rout of Nadal .
  Djokovic who earned almost $2 million with the victory, will finish the year at number 2, but clearly sent a message to Nadal..."I'll be waiting for you  Down Under  in late January..."
By the way, no rest for Djokovic...Davis Cup Finals for him and Serbia later this week.
Steve "Bud Collins" Goldman reporting.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Dow Jones Nearing 15,800.....Woo Hoo !

 I find it amazing with everything that has gone on of late in the financial world. Yes, the Dow continues to surge....Now on the cusp of 15,800. Is this   a reflection  of the strength of the economy, investor relief or investor giddiness? Who knows...
  Let's see how long the rise continues... Gotta go. Want to see  how Twitter is doing today...

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hip, Hip Hooray! MF Global Customers Getting All Their Money Back.....

Sometimes good things are worth waiting for . Finally, after a prolonged wait filled with doubt and uncertainty, MF  Global's  American customers will be made whole.
  Yesterday, a  Federal Bankruptcy Judge approved the " shortfall " to be made up from MF Global's General Estate.
  Chalk one up for America's small folk.  Meanwhile, Corzine is already starting up another company.  Only in America!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Obama Has It Right With ENDA!

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act , if passed, would provide workplace  protection to individuals from being fired based on sexual orientation  or gender identity. Believe it or not, in several states an individual can be fired for his or her orientation or gender identity. This is long overdue. Are we in a time warp in Russia, Siberia  or some  foreign planet? This, Congress , is a no-brainer!
   So Congressional  members,  when this comes up for a vote, there's only one way to respond. Of course with a resounding "yay"!
   The Constitution demands it!

Steve "Ben Franklin "Goldman reporting.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Can the Dow Go To Unchartered Territory ? 16,000.............

 Well, even through the Government shutdown, a near default, SAC  Partners' and JP  Morgan's  legal troubles, LIBOR  manipulation and more,  the DOW  has not tanked. Even, European  financial problems can't keep it down. Twitter going public..Hey life goes on.
  So having said all this, the DOW  is currently  hovering around 15,600. About 8500 points up since Obama took office.  So   I ask one big question...Will the Big Board hit 16,000? Prediction, yes! On Christmas Eve.

 Steve "Adam Smith" Goldman reporting.