Sunday, December 4, 2011

Four Republican Candidates on the Stump, Four Republican Candidates, One Falls Down Lands on the Ground...Three Rublican Candidates on the Stump......

Well the inevitable has occurred ! Herman Cain's campaign , which has been rapidly deteriorating for months over past sexual harassment allegations and most recently an affair, is officially over . Cain announced his campaign for Presidency is history . It boggles my mind to think that Cain's people either didn't know about these "issues ", didn't think they would come out or thought that he could over-"come " them, keeping in mind that Presidential candidate's pasts are looked at with high-powered microscopes.
So that leaves three Republican candidates ;Who will implode next ? "Right wing Rick" (Perry) with his refusal to recognize the Constitution's "Separation of Church and State " ,has been sinking slowly and I believe he will be the next to go. "Crazy Newt " will say or do something very soon I'm sure, which will convince any American that he is totally unfit to be President.
So Mitt Romney will get the nod . Unfortunately for the Republicans, unemployment is down, The Dow Jones is back over 12,000, we're pulling out of Iraq and Obama(while not out of the woods yet) has mobilized what I believe to be sufficent support and dollars to sneak in for a second term.
Hey Republicans, if you really become desperate there is always Ms.Palin!

This has been political analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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