Monday, December 19, 2011

Barry Bonds, So What Did That "Whole Scorching of the Earth " Accomplish ?

Tens of millions of dollars spent , astronomical efforts by prosecutors and defense attorneys alike, millions in legal fees, Bonds' trainer in and out of jail, Bonds' Hall of Fame chances possibly destroyed, countless hours logged by the trial Judge, Appellate Court and a lengthy trial.
And all for what? A minor conviction on the Obstruction of Justice charge , 30 day home confinement , community service and a fine . And add in a sympathetic trial judge. That's what happens when the Government "sticks its big nose " into a "baseball matter " !
And you know what ? It's not over . Bonds' still looking to wipe the slate clean on appeal. Another year and a half! More media coverage....
Happy holidays to all involved in the BALCO Fiasco!

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