Thursday, December 15, 2011

Iraqi War Officially Over, We Had No Right Being There in the First Place!

Man, there is nobody I have more respect for than the "Armed Forces ". Bravest men and woman on the planet . The sacrifices, dedication , fortitude and stress is unparalelled in our society. Bombs, artillery, snipers, ambushes, land mines, car bombs....All for what ? Well first of all so the world can be made a safer place for us . Of course there are many side themes to this motto.
So what did 9 years in Iraq accomplish? The end of Sadam Hussein , some temporary stability in the Country and region, and OIL! The casualties were astronomic and gut wrenching .Young men and woman maimed for life .
At the end of the day , we had no business being there . A whole generation of suffering for our warriors. Billions spent while millions in our country are not eating properly . And unfortunately, with all the internal strife there , things will slowly revert to fighting between clans and tribes and national conflict .
Nothing more to say except God Bless our troops and their families. Thank you!

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