Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County Sheriff, You Have No Business Acting as a Sheriff in a Position of Public Trust!

Let me try to understand this. And I'll start off and tell you I'm not a saint, don't profess to be one . But I actually learned from my parents respect, decency, caring, sharing, understanding and I know it's hard to believe... sensitivity .
So when I hear that a U.S. Justice Department report found widespread civil rights abuses of Latinos by Arpaio and his department , I instantly started fuming! This report reminds me of the Justice Department's investigation and findings of the widespread abuses and crimes by the Puerto Rican Police Force not too long ago. Except these abuses are happening on the 'mainland".
And to fully grasp the import of this whole culture and way of life , the abusers are members of perhaps the most powerful law enforcement unit in the State of Arizona. Scary! How high up does it go ?
To me , with the current leadership in place it appears almost impossible to believe that this "Department " can be turned around. The culture, prejudice and abuses are too deep-rooted.
Therefore , the solution must start from the top....Arpaio must go!
Your thoughts?

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