Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blagojevich Gets 14 Years, Raj Rajatnaram only 11, Who is Really Worse in the Eyes of the Law?

So the gavel of justice came banging down hard on the former Governor yesterday . Despite open remorse and acceptance of full responsibility by "Blags", the Presiding Federal Court Judge handed down a stern sentence of 14 years. As reported, he will have to do probably close to 12 years. Not going to be easy for a 55 year old former politician.
So reading about his sentence in the Times this morning got me thinking . Raj R , the former hedge fund manager a short while back received a sentence of 11 years . Raj allegedly earned $60 million in illegal profits arising from the illegal inside information he received and traded on .
So after looking at the totality of circumstances , which convicted individual warranted a stiffer sentence? Both were crimes of greed, ego and power. Both involved powerful, influential men . You could argue both were victimless crimes. Although Blags' crime involved the breach of public trust of a high ranking elected official and Raj's crime involved his utilizing illegal information which compromised the very fabric of the financial markets .
At the end of the day, in my opinion, Raj's crime was pure greed . But Blags' was more than that. If all evidence was to be believed he actually was trying to auction a United States Senate seat. Doesn't happen very often , and a message was sent out during sentencing that it should never ,ever happen again ! Sentence actually could have been worse.
After closely following these two cases, I have to continue to ask myself , what were you two guys thinking ? Hey, maybe they'll wind up as roommates.
This has been political analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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