Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Philadelphia Priest Scandal; Cardinal Rigali, It takes Grand Jury Indictment , and more bad publicity for you to finally suspend 21 More Priests.

Cardinal Rigali, I'm not sure whether to applaud you or to conclude that yesterday's suspension of 21 more Priests accused of sexual abuse or "otherwise inappropriate behavior " was too little, too late. While the suspensions were the most extensive to date, I believe they were simply another example of the Archdiocese being reactive(rather than proactive) in addressing this "huge, decades old problem " that exists in the Catholic Church.
And then an apologize to the victims and the community all these years later ! So today when priests don't show up for services, parishioners will finally learn that the individual who has been their spiritual leader all these years is an accused sexual predator.And life will go on as usual in the "Church ", with lives ruined, youth taken away and the Archdiocese will be left to defend the civil cases, plead poverty and let the cycle begin all over again...
That is, unless lessons can be learned from all this.

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