Thursday, March 24, 2011

In Bonds' Case, Prosecution star witness testifies he saw Bond's trainer leaving bedroom in 2000 with a Syringe.

Yesterday's testimony from the Prosecution's star witness related to an observation in the year 2000 at Bond's spring training home. The witness recounted seeing Bonds' trainer leaving his bedroom with a syringe. Ok, well it looks like spectacular, smoking gun testimony. But, is it really?
Number one, the witness never saw any injection of Bonds. Number two, the witness doesn't know what was in the syringe, let alone anything(for that matter a steroid). Lastly, this event which occurred 11 years ago; not exactly fresh in the witness's mind.
Hey, a lot can be done on cross with top-notch defense counsel.
Remember, "beyond a reasonable doubt"!

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