Monday, March 7, 2011

Knicks Basketball; Atlanta fans you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Don't get me wrong, I'm feeling really good about yesterday's win over Atlanta IN ATLANTA! Without Chauncey to boot. Total team effort, even with Melo only producing 14 points and sitting the final 4-5 minutes. Fields was terrific. Right now, in a 7 game series I truly believe we can take any Eastern conference team to the limit. Still 20 regular season games left. A lot can happen.
So it wasn't bad enough that New York won going away and took the fight out of the Hawks...but that the New York "fan noise " was far more noticeable than the " home team noise"! That should never be allowed to take place in front of a "proud fan base"; win , lose or draw.
Great night for the Knicks; Sad night for the City of Atlanta.

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