Saturday, March 5, 2011

Four new Philadelphia Archdiocese Indictments for Sexual Assault;So what is the Vatican going to do or say(or pretend nothing happened)now?

So this morning I open up the Saturday New York Times over coffee, and there it is again ....another round of "outings of Catholic Church Sex Deviants". Four individuals indicted, another 37 identified , presumably still "hard" at work finding young children to prey upon. Is this 2011 or am I dreaming?
I thought that after Boston, Los Angeles, South America, Central America, Europe and Africa(to name a few) the Vatican would perform "a wholesale housecleaning " of all pedophile priests and establish rigid, new psychological screening for new applicant-priests.
Because let's face it, if this behavior has been so rampant for the last fifty years,I guarantee you the Church has been a "haven " for sick, molesting members of the Clergy for the last 100, 200 years or more. It makes my blood boil to see one of the richest and most powerful institutions in the world doing nothing proactive to address this endemic problem in the Church.
Is the Vatican still going to tell us "this alleged problem doesn't exist". That's tantamount to condoning it!
Well for starters here are two suggestions for the Vatican;
1. Put new Priests through a rigid , overbearing psychological and backround screening before they are ordained;
2. Never, I mean never, let a Priest or Clergyman be in the presence of children without a layperson chaperone chosen by the parents not the Church.
Implementing these guidelines for starters will go a long way towards making it much more difficult for an individual to "use the Church" to facilitate their deviant behaviors".
Oh, and "Vatican" , get in there and settle every case quickly and fairly! The victims don't need to be dragged through the mud again.

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