Friday, March 18, 2011

9/11 Litigation; Tough to keep Everybody Happy.

"Napoli Bern, lead plaintiff's counsel in the "9/11 Litigation " litigated their brains out, borrowed and took funding advances to help cover heavy litigation expenses, negotiated a $700 million settlement and obtained releases from 95% of the plaintiffs....But Judge Hellerstein says that's not good enough.
Judge Hellerstein says that counsel's failure to attempt to include 59 plaintiffs in the settlement,(out of thousands) who waived their rights to to participate in the "9/11 settlement" when they accepted payment from the "Sept.11 Victims Compensation Fund ,creates a conflict of interest for Napoli Bern. I don't see it. Napoli Bern , chomping at the bit to get paid has consulted top ethics counsel and will try to do everything possible to alleviate this alleged conflict and to appease Judge Hellerstein.
Remember, you can't keep all of the people happy all of the time!
More delays...

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