Sunday, August 1, 2010

Never, Ever Let the Clients Complete the Funding Application Themselves.

There are a slew of reasons that exist which make great arguments for not letting the clients complete the funding application themselves, which include;
1. Clients will tell you anything to get "cash";
2. Client's don't usually have access to documents/information we need;
3. You don't want clients signing or preparing anything which could become subject to subpoena " down the road", and
4. Lastly, If you want your client to obtain funding, (despite the fact that process takes 30-60 minutes of your time), as the attorney you can be in control of the situation; i.e. amts., information, etc......and you will do it the right way.
Some attorneys have the client call me about funding; which is fine , but frankly a waste of time. Those attorneys who have worked with me know to simply email, fax or overnight to me a "funding application and packet" which will certainly streamline the process.
Again with client funding,"you're either in or out".

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