Saturday, August 14, 2010

Attention Attorneys; If you need $ for payroll Friday, Contact Me On Tuesday or Wednesday, Please Not Friday Afternoon at 3.

Let's face it , some times the well runs dry, and the check you were expecting from the City of New York for payroll just didn't come in on time. Well , I can provide you with attorney funding on a settled case in an expedited fashion, at very reasonable rates. All that is needed is a quickie application, release(or some evidence of a confirmed settlement) together with a copy of your retainer agreement. If you have no lurking IRS or a judgment /lien situation it can be done quickly.
Of course, "quickly" is a relative term. If everything is in order funding can be done the same day. If any issues come to the surface , usually a little bit longer.
So the moral of the story is, if you see the need to get attorney funding for payroll, rent, payroll taxes or whatever, submit your funding application a few days in advance....(you can always cancel)..not at 3 p.m on a Friday in mid August.

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