Thursday, August 5, 2010

Are Allstate, Countrywide and American Transit Winning?

As we all know over the last 10 yrs., these three carrier's have been the most difficult to settle mva cases with, make the most threshhold motions and take more verdicts than most. The question that comes to mind is , "are they winning the war" thru their obstinence.
One could argue yes. I have a particular attorney -customer in .N.Y. who when he sees one of these insurance company codes on the police report will not take the cases. Other attorneys fold"like a cheap suit" the minute they see a summary judgment motion on "serious injury" or when the carrier takes a "no pay position".
But on the other hand there is that great breed of litigators who don't care about codes or carriers, will fight every sj motion thru the App. Div. and will also take verdicts , sometimes for no other reason than to let Allstate know "I'm not going to be easy". Plus, in New York there are so many personal injury lawyers that someone will always take a case.
Moral of the story; If you're looking for easy money stay clear of these carriers; if you are prepared to litigate a case based on the underlying merits[not the def't carrier} , then continue to do what you do best....File suit!!

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