Thursday, August 19, 2010

When is Enough , Enough?

I have nothing but the most profound respect fot plaintiffs' trial lawyers , having been one of the tribe for over twenty (20) years. I rememember this one huge trial I had (6 wks. in Supreme New York) where I was so financially strapped that I ate tuna fish sandwiches, drank instant coffee and water , and schlepped a 75 lb. trial bag to the Courthouse every day for six weeks. I made it! (plus it builds character).
So when you get that "case of a lifetime", you not only want to maximize the results for your clients, but you certainly want to maximize your fees as well. It makes up for all those Allstate threshhold cases and premises cases with"urine, feces, vomit and other dangerous substances " on the stairwell.
But when is enough , enough? We all heard about the recent case where one of New York's premier trial lawyers turned down $8 million, only to be no caused. I'm working on funding a deal now where there is an offer of $10 million; but the attorney wants $12 million. In my opinion there is a very fine line between pushing a little too hard and a little too far and putting the plaintiff's "whole life " at risk.
I gather as experienced trial attorneys you have to trust your gut instincts, examine your relationship with the client, defense counsel and the Court and make the best, most well-informed decision. Not easy! Go get em!

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