Friday, August 20, 2010

Funding; Send Your Clients in To Sign, Pickup Check and Cash Em, All in One Fell Swoop.

In a busy, or even not so busy law office, helping a client get funding can be time consuming, frustrating and filled with headaches. But it doesn't have to be that way. There's probably nothing worse than when you have a brief due, or opposition papers due or you're prepping for a trial and a client is hassling you over funding.
Give yourself a break. Scan and email me the application and documents . Once the deal is approved I can email[or fax] you the contract. Then, simply sign the attys page and return it to me. You can send the client to us to sign his contract, pick up his check and cash it; yes, all without having to even see your beloved client. We will of course forward you a fully executed contract. Funding doesn't have to be torture!

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