Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What Documents are Needed to Fund a Premises Case?

When we fund a motor vehicle case all lawyers know to send in an application, police report and meds. For some reason the documents we receive in the first instance on "premises cases "are usually not complete. Probably the main reason is that very rarely is there an aided report or incident report for a premises accident. Yes, there are c2s and c3s for work related accidents[labor law etc], but not for a slip and fall on the front steps of a private apartment complex.
Typically the attorney will send us pages and pages of meds, a bp and/or illegible black and white photos of the defect. Some firms will actually send us an engineer's report, scanned color photos or a witness statement. God bless. We're really not looking for anything earth-shaking; simply something prima facie establishing "notice" which we believe will be sufficent to overcome summary judgment and ultimately get the case to a jury.
So in the future, make life easy on both of us...just please SEND me a few(something, anything) liability proofs.

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