Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Calling For a "Payoff Figure"; Always Good Practice.

As a case comes up for conference, mediation, trial or ultimately reaches a settlement, I advise all attorneys to call in for a "payoff"; what the client will owe as of a certain date. This is good practice and accomplishes the following;
1.Let's an attorney know when he/she is negotiating a case how much the client will owe from his share;
2. Let's the attorney know when that $ figure will increase and
3. Gives the funder a warm, fuzzy feeling that the attorney is aware of the "funding lien" and will take all necessary steps to protect the "lien".
Once a "payoff " is requested, the information is generated at "the speed of light" and faxed and emailed to counsel. Followup requests can be made thereafter as well.
Remember, don't just rely upon what you see in a contract(there may be multiple contracts) , request the payoff.... it's always safer for all involved.

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