Friday, July 16, 2010

If You Don't Want Client to Get Funding; Let Me Know and We'll Turn them Down Diplomatically.

One of the reasons I have had sucess in the funding world is because 99% of my deals are reccommended by attorneys. Couple that with the fact that I have been able to " weed out the stinkers". Lastly,add good underwriting and there you have it.
I still find that there are basically two kinds of attorney referrals;
1. Those attorneys who really want to obtain funding at a reasonable rate for the client and
2. Those attorneys who want to get the clients off their back.
If you happen to fall into category number two(2), let me know ahead of time and the process can be shortened and a professional looking "turn down letter" can be prepared and sent to you and client. Otherwise a "bad liability case" or a case with a threshhold injury will get dragged through the mud and ultimately denied. That creates nothing but bad will.
A quick phone call or email to me can go a long way.

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