Thursday, February 28, 2013

Stephen Curry...A Thing of Beauty, That's All You Can Say!

Last night's performance  by Curry  was simply  "poetry in motion "! He dropped  54 in a tantalizing loss at the " Garden ", which quite simply will be remembered as one of the greatest MSG (National TV) performances ever. A medley of 3's  under pressure, degree of difficulty through the roof, contested shots , you name it.  A  hoops junky's ultimate  night! Wow!!!!!
  And just think he's all of 23 or 24.

  I could watch the replay right now.

NBA  beat reporter Steve "  Naismith " Goldman reporting.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pistorius Case Starting to Remind Me of OJ!

The  OJ Simpson  criminal  trial was probably the most closely watched and  obsessed over trial  in American history. Who could forget Judge Ito, Marcia Clark, Mark Fuhrman, "The Glove", Johnnie Cochran  and The L.A. Crime lab. The trial had a life of it's own. Really put Court TV on the map
   Well the Oscar Pistorius trial  in South Africa has all the makings of  "hypnotizing that nation". Mega-star , legendary athlete. Extremely popular.  Shooting of his girlfriend. Botched early investigation and the removal of lead Detective Botha, who has had charges of murder reinstated against him from a shooting he was involved in several years ago.
   And hey, we've only just completed the bail hearing!

  Stay tuned.

 Reporting, international legal analyst Steve "Justice " Goldman.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Is Representative Rayne Brown (R) ,"Nipple-Phobic"?

 North  Carolina State Representative(RF-Republican-Female) Rayne Brown  has introduced a bill  which  would make it a Class H  Felony  to expose  the nipple from the female breast in North Carolina . Oy veh!  You talk about having too much time on your hands.
   My first thought  is  whether the "right nipple " is Republican and whether the "left nipple " is Democrat in this bill . What percentage of the nipple must actually be shown   to constitute "exposure". Will only "C-cups and  up" be covered(I mean uncovered) ?  Will there be "nipple lineups "?  Will all the cases be heard(I meant seen) in  "Boob-Court" ? Will witnesses be required  make positive nipple identifications  ? How  will "blind witnesses " be able to  attest to the truth (May I coppeth a feeleth of thy royal tomatoes"?) ?  How will plea bargains work out ?
  How long will a nipple have to be exposed to qualify? On your first "nipple offense " can you go to "night bra school"?  Are sunbathers covered  ?  I guess this is the end of "strip clubs " as we know em .
   Before you panic and lose all  hope though , we still have North Carolina's leading  "boob" -expert  to swoop in to save the day... Yes, you guessed it ............................John Edwards.
   Hey, I gotta go, it's getting a little nippy out  around here.

   Reporting  Steve " Double  C " Goldman

Danica Patrick; Great Moment for Women in Sports(If You Call Auto Racing a Sport!).

 She did it! She did it! Danica Patrick has secured the pole(priority position) in the Daytona 500  Race. First time ever that a woman has accomplished that. Now she still has to win the race, but you can't belittle what she has done in a man's  "sport ". No woman in history has competed successfully at such a " high level " in a "man's sport" as Patrick . No ifs, ands or buts.
   To put it in perspective, it is widely believed that the " top 250 men's  players" could beat  Serena Williams . Patrick has excelled and continues to reach higher levels.
  Go Danica!

 NASCAR reporter Steve Goldman in the "pits".

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What a Meteoric Fall From Grace, Oscar Pistorius Goes from Olympics to Being Charged With Murder! Holy SH_T.

 Wowee. Just last summer, " the Blade Runner ", a double amputee  440M  sprinter made history by competing in the Olympics on the South African  team. Pistorius was an inspiration to  individuals with and without disabilities worldwide. You couldn't help but to  pull for the guy. Top of the world!
   Now, less than a year later, he has  fallen to  the  lowest of low. Yes, arrested and charged with murder as reported today. Condolences go out to the "victim's family". Horrible stuff.  If true, very, very sad. Either way,  he deserves  to defend himself to the fullest extent permissible under the law.
  At this point I know nothing about the facts or details . Sadly, soon enough more lurid details will surface .
 Terrible, tragic event !
   What  a shocker!

 Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

IOC, Dropping Wrestling ? Only an Olympic Sport Since 708 B.C.! Yes, You Heard It Correctly .

  I  couldn't believe my eyes today. Lead story, New York Times Sports...."Olympic Committee " dropping Wrestling from the  "Summer Games" ! Have they forgotten about tradition, history, what the games are all about? Wrestling has been part of the Olympics since 708 B.C.   Twenty seven  hundred  "fuc__in  years ago!
   Look, I won't lie and say  I  watch each and every match. But wrestling goes back to the days of chariot races . Everything today  can't be about glitz and glamor . Do me a favor, if you have to drop something, get rid of one of the "shooting events"! You call shooting  a sport anyway ?
  Not too late to reconsider a decision which would effectively wipe out a part of history in one fell swoop.

  Olympic reporter Steve  "Jim Thorpe " Goldman reporting.

Monday, February 11, 2013

"Join the Club "! Royal Bank of Scotland Agrees to $612 Million Settlement With U.S. and British Authorities.

Everybody's doing it, doing it..Yep, breaking the law, admitting it and  paying a hefty fine " to save their skin"! The latest financial  casualty is the Royal Bank of Scotland  who agreed to the settlement resulting   from their role  in  an interest rate manipulation scheme . Their Japanese subsidiary was actually "thrown under the bus " and pled guilty to criminal wrongdoing .
  At the end of the day, will it deter  future  "lawbreaking " by big banks ? Of course not. Just a  drop in the bucket for them. Costs, ultimately passed on to customers, somehow, some way.
   Hey,  the beat goes on!

  Wall Street Reporter Steve Goldman  signing off.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Now You Know Why The Super Bowl is the Most Watched Event in America!

The  leadup, the pre-game , the commercials, the human interest stories, half-time Beyonce, the blackout ..and oh yes, an awesome game  . What a night, what a show!  One for the ages.

  Ravens,you earned it!

 Sports reporter Steve Goldman reporting.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mark This Date Down! DOW at 11:02 hits 14,000!

I just happened to be checking the Market a little after 11. Yes, that's when  I noticed it !  I might add , that I'd  been optimistic all  along .  So we're here!   What's next?

 Steve Goldman reporting.